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August Newsletter 2021

August Newsletter 2021

SPI 2021

Uploaded Image: /vs-uploads/blog/SPI_stacked_Logo.pngIs your company interested in meeting with the SFUSA team?

Solar Foundations' Sales Director, Devin Paris, and Assistant Project Coordinator, Catelyn Linendoll, will be attending Solar Power International (SPI) on September 20-23, 2021 in New Orleans, LA. We're looking forward to another in-person event seeing familiar faces and meeting new ones.

If you would like to request an individual meeting with Devin and Catelyn during the week, please fill out a slot that works best for you on our calendar

Our team is available to meet Monday through Thursday. We look forward to seeing you there!


New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
900 Convention Center Blvd, New Orleans, LA 70130
New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center


September 20-23, 2021
Devin and Catelyn are available to meet Monday through Thursday.
SPI Details

Uploaded Image: /vs-uploads/blog/Devin_Headshot.jpgDevin Paris 
Director of Sales

Devin is the Director of Sales for Solar Foundations USA. Devin holds a B.A. in Economics from California State University San Bernardino and has been involved in the solar industry for a decade. Devin has worked in various management positions for some of the largest regional solar installers along the east coast. Prior to joining SFUSA, Devin worked for a different racking manufacturing company bringing a wealth of knowledge and expertise to Solar Foundations. His ongoing commitment to understanding and meeting the needs of solar installers, providing clients with the best-in-class product, and focusing on client relationships will help continue our growth across the region.

Devin oversees the day-to-day sales operations and activities. He is charged with making new connections with solar installers as well as maintaining long-lasting customer relationships to help meet your company’s ground mount needs.


Uploaded Image: /vs-uploads/blog/Cate_Headshot.jpgCatelyn Linendoll
Assistant Project Coordinator

Catelyn Linendoll is the Assistant Project Coordinator and Marketer for Solar Foundations USA. She is a graduate of the University of New York at Plattsburgh with a B.S. in Business Administrations, Supply Chain Minor, and a Digital Marketing certification. Catelyn developed project coordination skills through her previous job as an automotive technician and team leader.

Catelyn is responsible for assisting in developing project designs, managing the project database, and ensuring timely completion of project installation reports and filing of project completion documentation. Catelyn also assists in posting online content on the company’s website and social media accounts.


End of the Year Push

Here is a friendly reminder to all of our clients to send in any potential projects required to be installed before the end of the year. Our lead times vary by region and our team is doing all we can to bring in additional resources to keep installation availability flowing. 

Solar Foundations USA cannot schedule a project until the permits have been approved, the SFUSA contract is signed, and the four corners of the array(s) have been staked out. Please review our Scheduling Details Brochure for more information on those required items. 

Contact our Operations Team with any questions regarding scheduling an installation.

Solar Foundations USA Contacts

Who should you contact first?

Product Highlight

Uploaded Image: /vs-uploads/blog/SeanVermeerRev1.jpgSolar Foundations manufactures our Solar Continuous Flight Helical Piles with heavy wall structural tubing followed by hot-dip galvanizing. Our custom ground screws are used for most systems because of their uplift and bearing performance, ease and speed of installation, minimal disturbance to site and soil, and the ability to validate pile capacity during installation.

Learn more about the advantages of using SFUSA Solar Continuous Flight Helical Piles and Ground Screws here

Read the Technical Datasheet

Review for a Chance to WIN!

Solar Foundations USA would love your feedback. Post a review to our Google Profile and we will enter you in a drawing to win tickets to Six Flags Great Escape in Queensbury, NY, or some Solar Foundations USA apparel!

Uploaded Image: /vs-uploads/blog/GoogleReview.png

Featured Install

21.582 kW in Ellington, CT

Check out this featured 21.582 kW Ground Mount System in Ellington, CT built for (1) 6 panels high in landscape by 11 panel columns wide (6Lx11C). As soon as the crew rolled up onsite to install earlier this month, the rock outcroppings were a sure sign to break out the proper equipment. Turns out, all (10) piles required rock drilling for this ground mount project.

Uploaded Image: /vs-uploads/blog/August-Newsletter-Featured-Racking.jpg

Our crews have the ability to install our custom ground screws in any soil conditions by pre-drilling pile locations with a rock auger or actually pre-drilling into solid rock with a custom down-the-hole hammer. This type of support is typically only available on large commercial projects, but we have developed specialized equipment that can be used cost-effectively with smaller residential systems.

A few items to consider if rock drilling looks likely at your project location:

  • The proposal prices usually do not include the cost of rock augering or rock drilling the piles. If required, the added cost would be $35 per pile for rock augering or $125 per pile for rock drilling. Depending on the size of the project and the number of piles augered/drilled, a discount may be given at time of billing.
  • The safety shut-off on the mini skid steer Solar Foundations uses to install the piles initiates when the ground slope is over 15 degrees (about a 32 in. drop in 10 ft.). When it is necessary to rock drill, we need to limit ground slopes to 10 degrees because of the drilling equipment (about 21 in. in 10 ft.).
  • Please note that if rock drilling is required, the compressor that runs the rock drill is mounted to the trailer. Thus, we need to get the trailer within 225 ft. of the array location to be able to reach it with the air hose.

Check out our website for more information on Rock Drilling.

Uploaded Image: /vs-uploads/blog/LaborDay.jpg

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